
Christine Kilby is an accredited mediator and an experienced lawyer. Christine quickly grasps what's at stake to help people see conflict from a different perspective, and resolve disputes on their terms.

Kilby Mediation can help no matter what the stage of organizational or interpersonal conflict. In addition to mediation of litigated cases, Christine offers a range of dispute resolution services tailored to your specific context.

For workplaces looking to assess and improve their conflict management tools, Christine offers workplace audits and proactive policy reviews as well as training in conflict management. Where conflict is emerging, Christine mediates coworker disputes, facilitates group discussions and town hall meetings, and conducts workplace restorations. In select cases, Christine is available to conduct investigations.

Contact Christine to discuss how Kilby Mediation can help, or book today. 

We appreciated your knowledge and professionalism and look forward to our next mediation.
In our acrimonious case, Christine quickly understood what was needed to bring a difficult party to the table. Where legal arguments and evidence had failed to resonate, Christine found a way to break through the impasse. Her judgment as to the best approach in that context, and her tenacious efforts, successfully de-escalated the conflict and made it possible for the parties to reach a settlement.